That word alone is daunting. It scares me. It makes me run. Why?
Because I will never attain perfection. I will never make it there alive.
"If you try to be perfect you will fail."
That is what we hear every day in our society.
But what if we are already perfect?
What if we don't have to attain perfection, because we are already there?
I have been asking God to show me what He sees in me, what does He see when He looks at me. And the other night, He said, "Perfect."
I was just sitting there like, "Whoa, God, that must have just been my brain making stuff up cause you didn't really mean that....right??"
"Perfect," He whispered again.
Again I was baffled. I am SO far from perfect....Could He really be saying this to me?
So I opened my Bible to prove to God that I was anything but perfect...and He brought me immediately to the word "perfect". First word I read in fact.
"This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God."
Genesis 6:9 (Emphasis mine)
Umm....Okay, yeah God but that was Noah. Not Chiarra. Noah was like a wonderful person, he did everything right. He had to never do anything wrong! You called him perfect in his generation....
"No, My child, He walked with Me."
"Noah walked with God."
"Oh, okay... so what does that mean then?"
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands."
Psalms 138:8
"I perfect that which concerns you. I make you perfect. You just have to walk with Me and let Me work and finish the perfection that I have already started."
Then I got curious what perfect actually meant...Cause I thought that maybe I was thinking about things all wrong...
Conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type
Excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement
Entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings
Accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose
Don't believe me?, type in perfect...I swear I copied it right from there....
Stop for a few moments, read that again. Let those words flow over you... They are nothing you have to work for, nothing you have to work to prove. You are God's daughter and He sees you as perfect. Perfect is not something that we earn, not something we try to achieve through our beauty, our academics, our sports, and our weight. Perfection is given by God the second that you were thought of... thousands of years ago.
That means, if perfection was given to you way back then, nothing you do now could change that.
It was given without you working for it. Before you were even born and knew what it meant to be perfect. God formed you. And why would God waste His time on making something that was not perfect?
You are the definition of the ideal type. You are excellent beyond improvement. You have no flaw, no defect, and no shortcomings. You are correct and accurate in every detail.
The definition that gets me the most is:
You are exactly fitting the need for a certain purpose.
You have a purpose. You were created in fine detail with no flaw, not needing to add anything. You are perfect.
Say it in the mirror with your name...
Chiarra is the definition of the ideal type. Sophia is excellent beyond improvement. Nicole has no flaw or shortcoming. Jessi is accurate in every detail. You are exactly fitting a purpose.
So stop trying to work for it.
Walk with God.
Allow Him perfect that which concerns you.
See that He created you perfect and that is how He sees you now.