Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Tranquility. Breath. Quiet.

Summer for me is crazy. Always running around, hanging out with friends, working...everything. I feel as if I never just rest. I started to get really overwhelmed and tired. Worn out, even though I was on vacation. I put God on the back burner cause I was too tired at the end of the day to think about it.

Without God, I put up walls. Without His love, I am so burdened and overwhelmed. Without Him, I can't function.

I was walking into my room the other night, the same room that I haven't cleaned in a week, and I just felt done.

Tired. Broken. In bondage.

I HATE feeling weight on me, I hate feeling like I have chains around my wrists and heart, I hate feeling my walls up.

I started talking to God, being honest with Him, telling Him where I was at. I talk to God in a very real way because He is my lover, my best friend, my father.

"God, I am done. Again. I am too tired to do anything for You, I ran myself into the ground. I am so tired of people hurting me, You feel a million miles away, I am in a black hole again. This is not what I want but I have no energy to do anything about it. I can't physically do anything cause I am so tired."

I picked up a book I have been reading and read, "Be still."

"Be still and know I am God."

Knowing God starts with being still.

I don't know if that speaks to any one's heart but it spoke such rest and relief over me. Be still.

That is all you have to do. Stop trying to work for God's love, stop thinking that you have to be doing all the right things and being perfect to know God. Stop thinking that intimacy with God has anything to do with working and doing enough and being enough.

Be still.

Take a minute, breathe.

Be stilled. Let your heart stop its worrying. Lay your restless anxiety at His feet. Give Him permission to quiet you, give you peace, and lavish rest on you.

Stop everything, Be still. Stop in your tracks. Stop moving. Stop working. Stop striving so hard. Be at rest.

Know that He is God. He will work things out, give you what you need, protect and provide in every situation. He won the battle before it even started, so sit back and watch Him fight it for you. Be still, He is God and God is able.


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