Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Just like you

All our lives we live in the pressure of this question, Am I beautiful?
I know I talk a lot about this question and what it means to me.
But I want you to know that I am working through the answer myself.
See, I have hid this question inside my soul, never letting it come out because quite honestly, I am scared of the answer.
You see all my life I have lived under the shadow of Disney princesses and Barbie. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all these women! I think that princesses stir and keep alive a dying desire in girls to be treasured and Barbie presents a strong and independent woman.
But, these images are always perfect! They are always wearing makeup. They are always holding themselves to such high fashion standards. Even Cinderella's rags are prettier than my sweats and messy bun. Have you ever tried to do your hair like a Disney princess? Impossible.
Today on my Twitter I went off on myself. It started with, "I need to stop comparing myself to other girls. I always feel too much of everything bad next to any girl. #smh #depressing"
Is that you? Do you stand next to a pretty girl and think of everything that you are not and that she is? Do you compared your talents and every area that you fall short to every thing that she excels in? "Like hello, you are beautiful, why can't I be like you?? Or you are really close to God, I'm not as good as you... #needtostop #honesty"
Or maybe you see the girl who has guys literally FALLING on their feet. Personally, I always find a reason to hate those girls...but secretly I try to be just like them. "Or that guy likes you so I am going to dress and act just like you so he will notice me. Forget the fact, that I can't fit in your skin. :/"
My final tweet sums it all up:
 "I turn to hating girls who are pretty cause it is easier than facing my own insecurities."

If you are pretty, you are on my hit list. I look for every flaw in you that I can find. If you are nice and sweet and gentle, I hate you inwardly. If you have a lot of friends and seem to have every one's attention, I can't bear to share the light with you.
I have never had a weight problem, unless you count being so skinny that you get made fun of for it, chicken legs was a personal wound for me. I would love to tell you that being skinny is great. But it sucks. Whatever way that you are, skinny, ugly, pretty, smart, dumb, everything, you will get made fun of for it? Why?
Cause girls are insecure. And the best way to hide that insecurity is put others down lower than how low they already feel.
And I am guilty.
So here I am. I am opening up the dirty nitty gritty of my "Burn Book" to you. I am telling you that if you are more loving, prettier, more fit, smarter, a dude magnet, or anything that I do not have, I have inwardly disliked you. I have not celebrated the fact that God gave you a beautiful voice, or a wonderful inviting gorgeous face or the fact that you can make everyone laugh.
And for that I am eternally sorry. As all girls should be.
We should be celebrating our differences, bringing each other up, building the other's confidence level. Instead of saying, oh I wish I was more like you, tell yourself that you make the most perfect you and no one could be a better one.
The more that we chase those who we wish we were, the more that we lose who we were supposed to be.
I am exposing lies. I am calling us to a higher level. I am asking for you to embrace the fact that you are a beautiful you. That no one is better than you, and you aren't better than anyone else.
Be you :)

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