Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I don't know about you but when I think of being wanted this is the first thing that comes to my mind:

Tangled is my favorite movie of all time. It is a movie of forgiveness and healing from a terrible past. I commend Rapunzel and Eugene on their bravery. Not only did they face the hard truth about themselves, they also faced their past, came face to face with their fear, and chose to deal with the truth of who they are instead of run from their destiny.
They wanted each other. They never gave up on each other. They fought until the end for their love. Rapunzel was willing to sacrifice her life and happiness to save Eugene. Instead, Eugene gave himself to save her. He never once hesitated, knowing that he would die. By cutting Rapunzel's hair off, Eugene laid down his life and any hope of healing. Yes, he was still healed in the end and yes, they did live happily ever after....But he did not know that would happen until after he has died.
And funny thing is God wants you the same way. As cliche as it sounds, God wants you. He willingly laid His Son in death's hands and said, "Here, take him instead of her." Never once did He hesitate or hold back His love.
You are wanted.
God wants to have a fairytale with you, He wants to lay down His life to save you. He wants to live happily ever after with you. The Creator of everything wants you to be His own. His princess, His bride, His love...

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