Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beautiful Strength

Did you know that beauty comes from vulnerability?
Most of the time we think about being vulnerable and we get scared. I know that I am scared. I think of pain. I think of getting my heart broken. I think of making mistakes. I think of  being broken by people who don't realize how fragile that humans are.
I think of being stupid and trusting the wrong people. I think about my past when I opened my heart and had it stepped upon.
But you see, beauty comes from within. But if we hide what is within us, we are covering up our beauty.
You see we think that strength comes from being strong, not showing when we were hurt, not being open. That can be classified as strength but I think that we have strength a little backwards.
How are people supposed to know that we are strong if they never know what we are going through to begin with? How are we supposed to be strong if we aren't showing that we have a reason to be weak?
Strength is knowing that we are messed up people and being okay with that. The most beautiful people are those who are willing to discuss their mistakes and willing to admit them. They are the ones that show when they are struggling.
Now I am not talking about those people that complain 24/7. I am not telling you to tell everyone your life story, or open your heart to everyone that you meet. There must be wisdom in everything that you do. But I think that you can be strong by your weakness and that is what you are supposed to share with the world.
Strength in weakness looks like someone asking how you are and you saying how you are truly, but with hope. Strength is letting people see that you are a flawed human, yet not letting them think any less of you because of it. Strength is being a wreck and knowing that it is okay.
It is having confidence in the fact that you are going to make it through the hard times, confident that you are going to get up even when you are laying, knocked out on the floor, confident that you don't have to have it all together.
Beauty is a heart at rest. Not a heart that is striving constantly to be perfect and have it all together, but a heart that knows it is okay to be flawed.
Beauty knows that she doesn't have it all together, and that she doesn't need to have it all together to be beautiful and loved.
Beauty relies on a strength that is not her own.
I am not saying that we need to be weaker than everyone as women, by no means do I think that at all. I am completely for the fact that women have a strength that no one can possess. I believe that women can be beaten down and bruised, broken over and over and still get up and fight.
But I do think that strength is not hiding your pain, your heart, your vulnerability, who you are. I do not think that strength is putting on a mask that says to the world that we are completely okay.
I think that we need to take a new look at what we define strength by. Maybe we should try to define strength seeing it as you are perfect by your imperfections. That the days that you are having a terrible day, you don't have to put up a front that you have it all together. Express your sorrow/frustration/etc. and then proceed to get through it. Show people when you get knocked down so that they can be amazed when you stand back up and throw another punch.

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