I don't mean just when you are putting on your makeup or getting ready. I mean have you sat down and taken the time to look into your eyes to your own soul?
About 4 months ago I did. And I could not stand what I saw. I saw so much hatred and bitterness, so much pain and regret. I saw something that I could not stand looking at... I did not see who I wanted to be, I did not see what I had hoped for. I saw broken ugliness, shattered pieces of the beauty that once was there.
While I was sitting there telling myself how much I hated who I had become, when I realized that God still loved me.
You see God does not love us more or less based on how we feel about ourselves. He loves us.
For God so loved you that He sent His one and only Son.
It doesn't say for God so loved us when we were doing things right, or God only loved us when we were on the straight and narrow. It said that God so loved us and sent His Son to face a gruesome terrible death on our behalf. He sent His Son to die, because He loved us.
His love is constant. Like a heartbeat that never stops. Ever pulsing, ever beating, ever constant, ever comforting.
I always felt that God's love was based on my performance. That if I was being the best Christian, witnessing, reading my Bible, going to church, loving everyone, seeking Him everyday, then God would love me and be proud.
Well that is not how God works. You see God loves you on the worst days when you curse His name, when you run away from His love, when you are doing what you know is wrong, God still loves you. The EXACT SAME amount as if you were in church worshipping. We can never be holy compared to God. Never. We always fall short. We are humans, simple as that.
When you look in the mirror though, no matter what you did the night before or the minute before, God sees perfection.
Christ's blood has covered over all that we have done wrong, it has covered all our "ugliness." So all God sees is beauty and perfection. God thinks you are perfect.
So next time you look in the mirror, look in your eyes and tell yourself, "I am perfect."
You no longer have to strive on your own to be perfect. Simply accept Jesus' gift of perfection and lay all that you have done wrong on Him. He can take it. Every time, without question, no matter if it is the first time or the 1,000,000th time.
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