Have you ever felt like you are stuck? Like no matter how much you run you never get anywhere at all. As if you are chained to the floor, bound by invisible barriers you can't shake?
Do you never wish that you could be untamed? That you could run with no fence around you to keep you locked up...
Wild and free, ready to take on the world.
What stops you?
Are you:
Why not?
Why do we not take on the world? Do we not believe that we are strong enough? Good enough? Pretty enough? Talented enough?
What causes doubt in your mind? When did you stop believing that you were wild and free and start seeing invisible things that hold you back?
Was it when you were five and you wanted to sing and your dad told you to shut up cause you were awful to listen to?
Was it when you tried out for the play and did not get the part that you wanted?
Was it when you were rejected by the boy in kindergarten who said you were ugly?
Was it the first time someone called you fat?
No matter the reason why, we let what people think put a fence around our freedom.
It is time to jump the fence, my dear. It is time to break free of those thoughts and restrictions. You never know what you can become once you are untamed. Once you run free in the freedom that Christ died to give you, there is no limit to the height you can reach.
All you have to do is lay down everything that defined you in the past. All your failures, all your mistakes, every nasty and untrue thing that anyone ever said to you, lay it down. Take it off. Shake free from it.
You are far from ugly, or fat, or untalented, or unworthy... You are a princess who was created to be untamed. She is able to conquer the world, able to do whatever she she puts her mind to. Your beauty is unable to be harnessed... You are far more than you could ever imagine yourself being if you start to lay off what has tamed your wild, adventurous heart.
Everything that has tamed you, that has held you down, that put a lock and key on your dreams and abilities, write it down. Write every reason that you do not do what your heart desires and is called to do. Fill that paper with all that you feel puts a fence around you.
Take that list.
And burn it.
Rip it up.
Get rid of it.
Let yourself go.
Be untamed.
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