Monday, November 4, 2013

Who Am I? A Success.

Ever felt that the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Everyday you wake up and you feel the same thing again?
Shame and disgust.

No matter how many times you try to change, you always end up right back where you started. You make it through a day or two but you can't get any further. You end up feeling more worthless and ashamed.

And you feel further away from God because you feel like a failure.

The more you try, the harder you fall and the worse you feel afterwards. Even Paul said, I do what I don't want to do and I don't do what I want to do. I can only imagine how awful Paul could have felt, leading so many people to God and still messing up.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

Have you ever ran from God in shame? Eve did. She sinned and broke God's heart and thought that He couldn't possibly love her any more. She failed, so that must have meant God didn't want to love her. She didn't meet His standard, so in her mind she wasn't worthy of His presence.

Little did she know that God loves us. Period.

"For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust." Psalm 103:14

God knows that we are going to fail. He knows that we are going to mess up. He still loves us anyways.

A wise man that I know always says, "God loves us even though He has foreknowledge."

What that means is God knows what you are going to do before you do it and He loves you and heals you in the moment.

Take Jesus for example. He healed eyes that would lust after women. He healed hands that would cheat and steal. He healed people that would turn their backs on Him. And ultimately, He died for people that would never love Him.

Think about that.

Even if you never loved Jesus, He still loves you.

The very fact that you are trying to be better pleases Him, but it does not make Him love you anymore. So when you fail, it doesn't make Him love you any less.

Your success or failure does not determine the amount God's love for you.

So stop hiding from Him cause you feel He is standing with His back to you in disappointment.

You are not a failure to Him. You are His pride and joy. You are the apple of His eye, the love in His heart, the reason that the sun rises in the morning.

Let that sink in.

You are the reason that God makes the sun rise in the morning.

So if you fall down, just get back up and run to God. He has His arms wide open to love on you!!

You are a success to Him!!
