Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Is My lover here?"


Lately, I have been so busy that in my rushing, I have missed Him entirely. I have grown apart from Him because I am always doing something for Him. I am trying to serve Him and prove that He has done a work in me, but He can no longer work in me cause I am no longer at His feet. I am no longer in love with Him. I have lost that luster and love that I had for Him. Why? Cause I let myself fight for everything else but Him and I.

In talking with my best friend Jenna, she reminded me of the story of Mary and Martha. It is a long and worn out story but it is a forgotten one as well.

Luke 10:38-42-

Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.  But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”

And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.  But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
We worry about so many things. But what we really need to be worried about is taking time for sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing His words to us. 

Martha wanted everything to be perfect for the Lord. He was in her house!! So everything had to be cleaned, the best meal prepared, perfection from every angle. She was rushing around, “fussing” about everything. She was so fed up because Mary was simply sitting at Jesus’ feet. Don’t you get frustrated when you are the only one doing something?

Well, Martha was forgetting that this was the man who made meals for 5,000 people out of 2 fish and 3 loaves of bread. If He wanted a gourmet meal, He could have made it appear. If He wanted her house all clean before He got there, He could have had the Cleaning Angels come and clean it up.

But, Jesus is not concerned with our mess. He is not asking for our perfection. He wants us to sit at His feet while He takes care of the meal and the cleaning house. His food, His words last a lifetime… One hour in His presence cleans more than a year of us trying to do it alone.

So where are the warriors? Where are the women who are going to say, “No, I am sorry. I need to spend time with my Lord before I serve anymore.” There will always be things to do, always be people who need help. But if you haven’t spent time at the feet of Jesus, you have no right to help anyone. You are the one who needs the help.

So are you going to stand up and fight for your love life with Jesus? Are you going to make Him a priority in your life?

Are His feet going to be more important to you than a broom and oven mitts?

Be a warrior. Spend time basking in His love and His wisdom and grace. I guarantee that once you start fighting for your relationship with Him, He will start fighting all your other battles for you. You will find that everything will have new purpose. Your laundry and dishes battle will have a little more joy behind it, your serving in the nursery will have a longer lasting impact that you realize.

Jesus wants you. Not your good works. He wants you fighting for that time at His feet so that He can finally win all your other battles for you.



Monday, September 9, 2013

"Is Miss Wonder Woman here?"

“Miss Wonder Woman, is she here?"

This is the time that you stand up and raise your hand. Roll is being called and your name was just said. Shouldn’t you identify yourself?

Are you too scared? Did you sit shaking in your seat, going down the alphabet to make sure that you knew exactly when your name was being called?

Don't want to miss your name.

Then you hear your name again.

“Lady Warrior.”

Your words get stuck in your throat. Fear threatens to strangle you. "That's me! I am right here." Nothing comes out though. You barely manage to muster enough courage to raise your hand.

Where is the strong, confident, daring woman that is inside of you? Who took her away? Who stole her valor and strength? What battles has she been fighting that has not left her with enough strength to even say who she is?

I see inside of all women the desire to be strong and daring and brave. We desire to wage a war and win. Be the superhero!! Do so much that people look up to us cause we are just so wonderful and we can do everything!! We desire to wage that war, and win!!
Now wars can look different for all women. Some wars consist of getting through a day in high school without tripping. Others are changing diapers and cleaning and cooking. For some it is simply working. But everyone has a war and we all want to be Wonder Woman… We want to be the woman that everyone says, “Wow, do you know how much Chiarra does? She is the best person at such and such. Do you see the speedy way she does her math homework?” (Which, by the way, I can’t stand homework and I spent FOREVER on it today, that was my war of the day!)

But it our constant battle to be the best and do the most, we forget to wage the most important war.

We forget to war for our love life.

I am not talking about fighting to get the best man and steal Mr. Hottie McHot from Susie down the street. I am not suggesting that you challenge Jamie to a duel for Mr. Wonderful. Cause honestly, boys aren’t worth that much of a fuss. They should be the ones waging war for you and your heart, and if they aren’t polite kick them out the door please.

I am talking about waging a war for your love life of your Savior.

War looks a little different when we talk about our relationship with Jesus. We are trying to fight different things. And I think that the thing that we are fighting the most is the little wars that we spend so much time trying to fight every day. As women, we get so caught up on our image to the public. What does so and so think about me? Could I be doing more? Maybe if I was serving in the homeless kitchen on Mondays, then on Tuesdays I will clean the church, and Wednesday is of course church and I will help with the kids ministry. Thursday is singing at the nursing home and then working at the humane society, Friday I have to be at youth group, then Saturday I am going to volunteer with the inner city gang ministry and visit the prison and then Sunday is church so I am going to be there from 8am until 4pm helping with nursery and then I have meetings for all the other outreaches that I am helping with. Praise Jesus that I am such a wonderful servant for Him, I am going to definitely hear from Him, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Where did Jesus come into the picture at all? Where is your serving benefitting your love life? Where does it say that being Wonder Woman gives you a beautiful story of love and passion and relationship with the Lord? Last time I checked, that wasn’t the recipe for a friendship with anyone. Never spend time with someone and you are going to find that your relationship is going to suffer.

It is time that we war for our time at His feet.

To be continued…